Free Yourself From The Scroll: A Social Media Manager's Tips For Creating Balance

Finding balance with social media can be difficult, especially when your business relies on it as a marketing strategy for increasing visibility.

As a social media manager, I will be the first to admit I initially struggled with finding the balance between work and off-time considering that social media management is a 24-hour gig. I found myself scrolling on clients account while taking “self-care” moments away from my computer and doing longer hours that my contracts called for. I knew for the longevity of my business and mental health, I would have to change things and change them fast.

So whether you’re just looking to lessen your time on your social media accounts or use them more intentionally for your business and clients, this blog post for you. I’m sharing all the hacks that I use to find freedom from social media even as my occupation.

Using a Facebook Feed Blocker.

This was one of the first steps I took to limit my time on social media and let me tell you, it’s a game changer.  I use the Kill News Feed chrome extension and it does exactly that. This makes the desktop version of Facebook completely blank so I can avoid the dreaded scroll. The News Feed Eradicator for Facebook extension does the same thing but replaces your empty feed with an inspirational quote. I still set time aside to check my messages and notifications, but I am now more intentional with the time I spend on Facebook for leads and staying active in Facebook groups.

Setting a timer for time on each app.

While this is a hack I use primarily for engagement sessions for my clients, this can apply to your business as well. For the time I spend on each client's account I set a 30 - 60 minute timer. This ensures that I am not under or overworking for each client. This also ensures that I am intentional on the app and am not just hopping on just because I get a notification.

Set your phone on airplane mode and get sh*t done.

If you really need to get work done, airplane mode is your best friend. No notifications, no distractions, just work. Another effective method is hiding your phone. I suggest hiding it far enough that you’ll feel silly grabbing it without finishing the task at hand.

Scheduling your social media content.

I love to go on and on about the importance of scheduling your social media posts, but it’s really that important. Not only does it help with strategy, but scheduling content will avoid the “holy crap I need to post something but idk what to post” panic. So no longer will you need to think up captions, hashtags, or filters on the spot. It’ll already be ready to publish while you live life and do stuff that actually matters (like not forgetting lunch).

Fall in love with the “Do not disturb” feature.

Anyone that knows me knows my phone is on Do Not Disturb 24/7. This is a simple but effective way to limit the number of notifications and time you spend on your phone. This has also become a welcome addition to the time I spend working on my computer.

Be conscious of your screen time by setting limits and downtime.

The new Screen Time feature on IOS devices tells you the amount of time you spend on social media while also giving you tools to limit your time on certain apps. I have been loving the downtime feature. I set downtime for 7 pm - 7:30 am. This feature and setting limits for the hours I spend on certain apps has ensured I spend my time on social media wisely. The Moment app offers similar features to allow you to be more mindful with your time on social media.

Mute or unfollow if you don’t want to unfriend an account.

If the content on your feed is not uplifting you, filter those accounts or people off you feed. On Instagram, you can mute accounts, and on Facebook, you can unfollow an account. If you don’t want to unfriend or unfollow someone, this is the route to go. But if you simply don’t want someone digitally in your life, there’s no harm in pulling out the handy-dandy block button.

These tips will help you free yourself from social media and make time for stuff that actually matters.


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